China and the Modern World: Missionary, Sinology and Literary Periodicals (1817-1949)
本篇文章將介紹今年3月採購的「China and the Modern World: Records of the Maritime Customs Service of China, 1854-1949」。
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- 新增時間:2021年3月。
- 適用領域:傳教士及宗教、教育史、文學等。
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"Modern Library Movement." The Chinese Recorder, vol. 56, no. 8, 1925, p. 551. China and the Modern World. |
- Bulletin of Catholic University of Peking
- Chinese Miscellany
- The Canton Miscellany
- The China Critic
- The China Mission Year Book
- The China Quarterly
- The China Review, or Notes and Queries on the Far East
- The China Year Book
- The Chinese And Japanese Repository
- The Chinese Recorder
- Educational Review
- New China Review
- Notes And Queries : On China And Japan
- The Indo - Chinese Gleaner
- T'ien Hsia Monthly
- West China Missionary News
- Yenching Journal of Social Studies
以上17種期刊在院內各圖書館或有微捲、或有紙本(例如《The China Quarterly》本館有微捲、傅圖則有紙本),但現在您可以利用資料庫好好查詢、瀏覽,不用再四處奔波了。
😊小編原本以為這些期刊的文章以大學校務、傳教士活動、外國人在中國的動態為主,結果意外發現一些和圖書館有關的文獻!例如本篇文章開頭的「Modern Library Movement」記載了ALA(美國圖書館協會)曾在1925年前後到訪中國,以及1930年曾有人以「Public Library Service in China」為題,投稿說明中美的公共圖書館數量及服務,並感嘆當時中國圖書館數量之少、服務之缺乏。
A library, in which books are kept and circulated, then, is a free and democratic university for all strata of society, a torch of enlightenment, an open gateway to wisdom, and a sum total of recorded ideas of all people of all times. It helps to liberate the minds and to enrich the lives of the people, helping them to a higher destiny. It brings joy and inspiration into the humdrum lives of the common people by preparing the way for an easier grasp of the problems of life and an increased capacity for its enjoyment. A community without a well-organized library is seriously handicapped in every way, since it is closely related to education which aims to change the world for the better. --Kwan-Tsing, Wu. "Public Library Service in China." The China Critic, vol. 3, no. 22, 1930, p. 509
💡小秘訣:上面那一段原文,難道是一邊看《The China Critic》一邊謄打的嗎?把畫面左邊的「Plain Text (OCR)」打勾,您也可以輕鬆複製內文喔~